The Warehouse



Friday Fictioneers is on Facebook hosted by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. You can read other stories or join to write your own at A complete story in 100 words in response to a photo prompt. My second attempt…

friday fictioneers 2photo prompt by J Hardy Carroll

The warehouse

She skips past the old warehouse, all boarded up now. It is a tale of terrific failure – that’s what her dad said and she can see: nothing happens here. He was only repeating well-oiled rumour. Limp metal, a jamb in slow-motion fall. She passes every day, feels the shadow of the blackened chimney, the creep of rot. The days pass and she skips more slowly, sees more slowly: sees the stripes of rust and the makeshift armour of corrugation, notices how the glass has survived everything, how it shines.

12 thoughts on “The Warehouse

    1. Thank you. I found this one really difficult. Looking forward to reading how others approached it…

    1. Oh dear I must have gone astray. I was hoping that by the end…the windows shining, that things were looking a bit better. Wasn’t clear enough. Thank you.

      1. So I went back and read it again when I saw your response to my comment, and I think I was the one who missed it 🙂 The shining windows do make a difference, but I was so caught up in the deterioration that I missed it.

        1. Hi there, thank you. ps I don’t seem to be able to approve your comments! Maybe a glitch on my site but other approvals ok…have you had any other problems with this lately

  1. These are my favorite sections:

    “She passes every day, feels the shadow of the blackened chimney, the creep of rot.”

    “… notices how the glass has survived everything, how it shines.”

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